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Season 0, Episode 2 - Genesis : Part 1

Last time we discussed about the nature of humanity from one side, which I elaborated as a "glitch in the matrix of our universe". But is that any other way to see this situation from another point of view?  Maybe a viewing point that spreads more positive energy, a reason why we should try to retain the existence of our species?

At this moment we have not understood 100% about ourselves. From physics point of view, every living things are just a bunch of atoms that stick together and build a creature, but it could not explain why we are "living things", compared to rocks. So we start to learn biology, with a hope that maybe we could understand ourselves a bit better. It works, but the science itself is still developing, so we still cannot say that we have understand ourselves fully.

The Missing Aspect in Our Understanding of Living Things

So what are the obstacles? One word : soul. There isn't a clear and scientifically correct definition of what soul is, but in short version soul is what separate a living and a dead person. Oxford describes it as "the spiritual part of a person", but what actually is 'spiritual'? Understanding what spirits are is as complicated as understanding the origin of the universe. There are a lot of ways to interpret and approach, and at the moment there is not a single theory that could explain it with absolute certainty.

Long story short science always try to get rid the concept of 'The Creator' in every aspect. Science attacks every missing subjects, and in fact that how science works. Starting from the belief that everything is created by an unknown entity, and from that we started to develop theories with hope that we are able to explain everything. Atoms, gravity, chemical reactions, how earth is formed, we have theories that could explain it pretty well. However 'soul' has a different story.

At the present time, the theological point of view about spirit has a stronger place in our society than our scientific one, and there is nothing or no one to blame about this situation. It's still one of the biggest unanswered question, but I wouldn't say this as a loophole in our scientific theory. Our understanding in this particular area is still too immature to be able to explain it, and I personally think that it would stay like this for some moment.

If so, doesn't it mean that we hit a barrier in our efforts to understand the universe?

Not at all. Understanding spirits will be a really huge breakthrough and provides us more insights and clues to understand the creation, but not being able to fully grasp it does not mean we are stuck. There are still a lot we could do without it, and some majors such as psychology and anthropology, that try to see this problem from a social point of view and interactions between humans could be an indirect route to our goal. You are free to develop your own approaches, in fact that is how science always grow.

There is a meme in a subreddit that says "humans are just bunch of atoms trying to learn about atoms," and it's true. But what makes us try to learn is not the atoms themselves. Water doesn't learn what makes themselves bond, oxygen doesn't even care why it is a key of humans' existence. However, our spirit, our soul, drive the curiosity inside us to push these bonded atoms to learn, to develop, to grow, to be better than the past. This nature is locked deep in our soul as humans, and when you get rid of it, what's left is just atoms reacting with other atoms and become one with the nature.


Genesis. Is it as true as written in the bible? Is it just a pure coincidence or a glitch? Does it prove that we are created by something bigger to rule the universe? We still couldn't answer that, and that what keeps our mind and our never-ending desire to grow and learn. Maybe it's not even a bad thing at all. Our inability to understand always pushes us to evolve, as the history already proved. Most important thing : if we are indeed the one and only genesis that ever happened, try to keep it that way. If we are one of more genesis out there, what do you expect from them? What do we want them to learn about us? The existence of humanity will end sooner or later, and the only thing we could do is to postpone it with all our ability.

Love and Peace.

If they say, "Why? Why?"
Tell 'em that is human nature
Why, why does he do it that way?
If they say, "Why? Why?"
Tell 'em that is human nature
Why, why does he do it that way?