Welcome back, it’s been a while since I posted. I was just back from a vacation with my friends and as I’m writing this, I am in the train heading back to my normal life.

Let's start this episode with a simple question :
Do you ever find it how primitive we are, that we still have to rely on other living creatures to sustain our species' existence?
If there are other lives out there and they come to observe us, what would they think about us, that we have to kill and use other living creatures to stay alive? Including you, vegans. You still kill plants, they were alive, too. If you think about this concept; that we have to grow other creatures, giving them love and caressing, and when the time comes, we just slaughter them and let our body digest them to pieces; it's completely barbaric, yet it's still the one and only way for us to stay alive, and I strongly believe that this won't change, as evolution suggests that the way humans keep their existence doesn't change since the beginning of life on earth.

That was just the introduction, and I won't debate or discuss too much about that. However, the reason I started this episode that way was to draw a straight line from how we fundamentally keep the existence of our species and the reason of one of the biggest issue nowadays : Energy.

The sole reason why we need to consume foods is energy. Our body converts the nutrition we got from the animals and plants we ate into energy that could be used to do anything, and most importantly : stay alive. We don't need to kill, it's not our purpose, yet we kill to obtain something from it, and in this case is the energy. If we are naturally breed to kill, the killing itself would be enough to sustain our live. However, it's not. It's the only way to get what we need, thus we are doing it.

So you might think, is there another way to get energy without killing each other? 

Yes and no. If a human is locked inside a cage, without no contact to the outside world, but he/she is constantly given enough food, would he/she stay alive? Physically yes, but our need for life has expanded so much since the beginning of our existence. If I ask you to mention 3 things that you definitely need on daily basis excluding nutrition, I guess you could mention them easily. Let me take a wild guess : your electronic device (your phone or whatever it is) would be in the first place. Phones need energy to use, too. However they could harness energy from other sources, which is electricity. Can we just plug our body to the socket to fill our energy need?

So it's is completely obvious that we need a particular way to harness energy, and there is nothing or no one to blame about that. We are evolved this way, so there is nothing we can do at the moment to change it.

The problem does not stop there.

In fact, it is not the problem. We already accept the fact that there is a 'default' way for us to fulfil our energy needs, but again, our need for life has expanded so much since the beginning of our existence. The people who hold the control for energy management hold the key to the economics and politics. Crude oil, earth gas, wind, solar. What are we fighting for? Energy sources. You might ask, what does it have to do with our requisites for life? 

What are we using these energy for? Our biggest energy consumption is transportation industry: automobiles, trains, aircrafts. They take goods from one place to the other, and of them is what we need the most : foods. As an internationally connected society, we don't grow and manage our food by ourselves anymore. Let's take a case : A family in US is celebrating thanksgiving and eating turkey. This particular turkey is not breed locally, so it could be flown half the world to be processed. The farm that breed this turkey need nutrients, which also produced from the other side of the world, and this goes on. We have not even accounted the fact that there are a lot of things we need to cook the turkey : stove, which might use electricity or gas, the knives (which could also made somewhere else), etc.

Everything comes down to one thing : survival. Everything we do on daily basis is not more than the way to sustain our existence. Indeed we 'enjoy' our lives by doing some 'unnecessary fun things', but for some people, those things are the way to sustain their existence. Economics is created because our inability to harness energy from nature directly, and even there is an infinite amount of energy sources out there, it doesn't come without a cost. 

Energy is indeed cannot be created or destroyed, but our society is created and also could be destroyed by our greed to use it. 

"and i get no shelter, and i get no peace
and i just get more policed
and i get no comfort, and i get no name
everything is getting strange."