Welcome back to another episode in my blog. After 4 previous posts, I personally hope that you all readers already quite familiar with my writing style and niche. That's why I'm starting a new series that I really wanted to share with you all since the beginning. It's called "The Concept of God", as I will abbreviate it as 'TCOG' just to make it shorter. This series will be spread through seasons, what I mean is I won't post them in order; because my thoughts evolve through time, so I could not say at this moment how many episodes will I write on this series. To make it easier, you could just search this series by using the labels 'TCOG'.


What I am writing here is purely from my thoughts and inspired by other people I have discussed with. There is no intention to attack or insult a group or any beliefs, since everyone of you is amazing and what you believe makes who you are. 


Since the beginning of humanity, there is one goal that never changes : understanding the universe. The word 'universe' is most of the time interpreted as a huge place, where all galaxies, stars, and planets are. However, what I mean by this particular word is everything around us. How nature works and live side by side with humanity. We humans always ask question, it's fully embedded in our nature, and by knowing the answer give us satisfaction and urges to ask more questions. Nevertheless, it gives us something that totally underrated : the reason to continue life. Our dissatisfaction and lack of knowledge about our environment fuel us to learn more and more.

Some people said that the development of science started during ancient Egypt and Mesopotamian era (around 3500-3000BC), but the world 'science' itself come from latin scientia which means knowledge, and knowledge is already developing since the beginning of humanity. That is how we could survive : by having knowledge about everything around us. However, if we want do discuss science as the formalism of knowledge, it roots from philosopher, especially pre-Socrates Greek philosophers. Someone you might heard of is Democritus, who theorised the philosophical atomism, which breed particle physics and chemistry right now.

Mathematics also rooted from the same place, famous names such as Pythagoras and Archimedes are among the ones that developed Math and its pattern in the universe - something we now call as 'Physics.'

Three paragraphs in and maybe you might ask : "what these things to do with God?" Theology, the knowledge God, started its development also at the same time. While Theology uses God to explain most things, science always try to remove God from every single variable. Every single gap in science is a place for theology to attack, and vice-versa.

This series will discuss from both sides, and maybe the third side. There is already a long list about topic for every single post in this series, and I will be happy to share with you all. It's not necessary to read every post in the correct order, feel free to read as you want to. 


For the first post I will try to connect the concept of quantum physics with our understanding of 'everything.' This one will be totally inspired and influenced by Brian Greene's "The Elegant Universe" and John Gribbin's "In Search of Schrödinger's Cat", and it won't be the last post to be. These two books really shape my thoughts on quantum physics and my modern concept of God, so feel free if you want to read it or just read the summary, either way both are amazing books.

"Should I know basic of quantum physics to understand it?", you might ask. No, not all. I will try to make it as simple as possible; no mathematics formalism, just pure idea. The idea that probability is not something we could easily rule as human, since it rules every single particle on the universe, according to quantum physics. 

Lastly I want to say, read this posts as a fiction. Don' take it as an academic source or whatever, take it as a pure idea that born from nights of deep thoughts. 

See you soon, in the very first post of this series. Until then, stay safe and strong.