Humans are interesting and confusing at the same time. What is more interesting is the fact that we are interested in learning about ourselves collectively, not just for the sake of a better understanding of who you are, but to understand our behaviour as human beings, which is quite rare among species. I figured that it is extremely hard to create a boundaries on how far should I limit the discussion of this topic, and I gave up to find one. This will be a who-knows-how-many-part short series, that will discuss about the evolution of our emotion, since humans first existed.

I could proudly say that this is a series that I really devote some time to long, deep discussion with my friends and find some researches and data to support my analysis. Along this series we will talk about how our emotion is quite different and developed, in comparison to other species, especially primates, the closest-related to us in an evolutionary sense. There are also some parts about artificial emotion, which is a highly fictional concept that could maybe become a reality in the future. Also not forget about suicidal behaviour, a thing that I personally really interested in to observe among us.

The Selfish Gene

I already developed this topic since I began writing again, but I pushed it this far since everyday I learned and observed new things, either from a natural observation in my daily life or from a discussion. But most importantly, the book that I just finished reading two weeks prior to this post being written, which is "The Selfish Gene" by the one and only Richard Dawkins.

I have never developed so much interest in biology. I do love observing the nature, but I always relate biology to memorising useless facts for tests, which I absolutely hate. Moreover, when we got to the interesting part of biology which is the origin of life, the teachers that I have experienced either do not have a strong insight and knowledge in this topic, or being ignorant to say that the idea of evolution is wrong, since we are created from soil by a higher creator.

However, this book changed my mind a lot, and Dawkins became one of my favourite scientists of all-time, maybe in par with Richard Feynman. The fact that biology needed a new math to explain a phenomena is really interesting for me. We experienced this a lot in physics, the most famous example is that Newton had to develop calculus to explain his law of mechanics, but not with biology, except evolutionary biology.

Game Theory

If you have seen the movie "A Beautiful Mind", that tells a story about a brilliant mathematician John Nash who developed this pigeon theory, that developed to be the game theory, this exact math is used by evolutionary biologist to explain how every species strives for survival in the nature. Of course he is not the only one needed to be credited for this theory, such as John Maynard Smith and George R. Price, but this is just a piece of story of the development how math shaped our biological view.

I could not stop talking about my references to this topic, since one I dived deep into a lesson, I will find myself drowning and forgot the reason why I am reading this reference. However, I am not gonna talk about the classic evolution, the one that Darwin developed. We already have a really deep understanding and know that it is true (a theory is always true until another one breaks it, and so far it could describe the origin of us really well.)

What I am gonna talk is about emotion, which in oxford defined as "a strong feeling such as love, fear or anger; the part of a person’s character that consists of feelings". Emotion, feelings, and thoughts will be the main focus of this series. I am not going to discuss about why we are shaped like this, but I want to share my observation about why we think and feel like so.

Enough for today, since actually I did not plan to write this introductory part, but I changed my mind so you have a better insight on what I am going to share, starting this weekend. It could be Saturday or Sunday, depends how much homework I need to finish lol. But I can assure you it starts this week.
So, see you this weekend!

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